Our Impact
The energy industry is one of the country’s most capital-intensive and essential industries. Partners across Michigan drive innovation and efficiencies across the diversified sectors within the industry, creating and expanding opportunities for workforce development and pipeline support.
Michigan Energy Workforce Development (MEWDC) works to raise awareness and respond to the regional workforce needs that become a part of the Michigan infrastructure and economy. Since inception more than 15 years ago, millions of dollars have been given in grant dollars and thousands of students and job seekers have been connected with resources.
50+ Partner Organizations
MEWDC is a partnership of 50+ organizations created by employers for employers to collectively address their shared workforce needs through expanded leadership in education, workforce programming and broader efforts. From developing and utilizing shared curriculum to nurturing programs and organizations to hire, train and promote throughout a person’s career, these collaborations help us be successful and help more jobseekers find and qualify for jobs they are interested in.
Energy Companies
Government Agencies
Industry Associations
Michigan Works! Agencies
Non-Profit and Community-Based Agencies/Consultants
Educational Institutions
Provide leadership and guidance on in demand and critical occupation talent needs, industry trends and labor market information validation toward multi-company shared goals and solutions.
- Alpena Power Co
- American Electric Power – Cook Nuclear
- Charlevoix Public Works Department
- Cloverland Electric Cooperative
- Consumers Energy
- Corby Energy Services
- DTE Energy
- Elevate
- Enbridge, Inc.
- Energy Group
- Ferndale Electric
- Great Lakes Energy
- Holland Board of Public Works
- Indiana Michigan Power
- InfraSource
- ITC Holdings Corp.
- Kappen Tree Service
- Kent Power
- Lansing Board of Water & Light
- Lecom Utility Contractors
- Lewis Tree Service
- LG Energy Solution Michigan
- Midwest Energy and Communications
- Miller Pipeline
- OCG Companies
- Rauhorn Electric
- RIVET Work
- SG Energy Solutions
- Solutions for Energy Efficient Logistics
- Traverse City Light and Power
- Walker-Miller Energy Services
- Zeeland Board of Public Works
Support the development of local sector partnerships such as the MEWDC through policies, investments, legislation, rule-making and research grants.
- Michigan Department of Education – Office of Career and Technical Education
- Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
- Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy- Energy Systems
- Michigan Department of Health, and Human Services – Bureau of Community Action and Economic Opportunity
- Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity – Industry Engagement
- Michigan Public Service Commission
- Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency
Provide a collective voice for individual businesses within an industry of the energy sector on talent needs, employer outreach and engagement for partnership expansion.
Provide talent services to employers, learners and job seekers including career guidance, education and job training, recruiting and job placement, as well as wrap around support services.
Develop and maintain a steady stream of talent to fill current and future positions by addressing barriers learners and workers face through worker advocacy, worker and learner support, outreach and recruitment assistance and community engagement.
Deliver education and workforce training and the attainment of industry-relevant credentials for students, job seekers and incumbent workers' skilling, upskilling and reskilling for in demand and critical jobs in the energy industry, including high schools, community colleges and universities.
- Alpena Community College
- Alpena Public Schools
- Boyne City Public Schools
- Charlevoix Emmet Intermediate School District
- Detroit Public Schools – Breithaupt Career and Technical Center
- Detroit Public Schools – Randolph Career and Technical Center
- Ford Next Generation Learning
- Grand Rapids Community College
- Greenville Public Schools
- Hartland Consolidated Schools
- Henry Ford College
- Holt Public Schools
- Jackson Area Career Center
- Jackson College
- Jackson Public Schools
- Kellogg Community College Regional Manufacturing Technology Center
- Kent Career Technical Center
- Kent Intermediate School District
- Kirtland Community College
- Lake Michigan College
- Lansing Community College
- Livingston Educational Service Agency
- MIAT College of Technology
- Michigan Community College Association
- Michigan Workforce Training and Education Collaborative (MWTEC)
- Mott Community College
- Northern Michigan University
- Northwest Community Schools
- Oak Park Schools
- Oakland Intermediate School District
- Parma Western High School
- Saginaw ISD – Career and Technical Education
- Schoolcraft College
- Spring Arbor University
- St. Clair County RESA – Career and Technical Education
- Washtenaw Community College
- Wayne County Community College District
- Western High School
Provide pre-employment and incumbent worker training while representing the interests of employee wages, benefits, and security.
Energy program
participants hired
Students earned certificates in Energy Industry Fundamentals (EIF) since 2013
Acquired in grant funding for members
Leadership Team
Partner With Us
Are you interested in serving your community and building the energy industry sustainably? Join us today.
Become a Member
Energy leaders have the best talent, access to learning resources for talent growth, attend and lead networking events and partner with other leaders to make an impact in the industry.
Through a MEWDC membership, your organization can join these activities and add additional value to your business offerings.
For additional information, please contact the Michigan Energy Workforce Development Consortium at MEWDC@michamber.com or 517-303-5617.
Learn More
How We Can Help You
We excel in energy talent pipeline management through strategies that promote true partnership and career awareness and development. We work with educators, employers and workforce development to strengthen energy program enrollment and completion on the road to job placement and retention.
As the energy industry grows, professionals are always in demand. We help those interested and curious to explore these opportunities, from careers in new energy, clean energy, electric energy, renewable energy and more become prepared to train, learn and power their futures.